Welcome to Like a Feather Friday!
It is said that a feather is weight-less. So each Friday I want to help you take the weight off.
Quiet time ~ How do you spend the first five or ten minutes when you wake up?
I slowly rise like the walking dead with my eyes either closed or half open and make my way to the Kureg.
As I become awesome with the help of coffee, I say a prayer and plan my day.
Having quiet time seems almost impossible if you are mom. Whether you work, stay at home, or do both.
I myself have five children, lets just say quiet time is must for me.
Smile ~ All around the world a smile represents kindness and joy.
It is proven to be the one facial expression that humans recognize no matter what part of the world you are in.
When you smile your body is releasing endorphins that can in return relieve stress.
I know their are times when it seems impossible to wear a smile. If that is you today, try forcing one!
Smiles are contagious so lets spread them around. After all happy = healthy.
Work out~ Who doesn't feel light in water?
Swimming is a great way to torch calories.
You can burn up to 1000 calories in one hour. The faster you swim the more you burn.
This of course means that you are swimming laps and not just floating around.
Swimmers move is a Pilates exercise that is performed laying on the floor on your stomach.
You should feel this move in your back, thighs and in the glutes. This one move can sculpt your entire body.
I want to hear about how your "Like Feather Friday" is going, comment below and don't forget to share!
Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
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