Monday, June 22, 2015

It Works like Magic


Okay Tula Tribe here is a 10/10 workout that I put together just for you!

These ten moves are no joke when combined with an engaged core and even breaths. 

It is guaranteed to tone your entire body. 


First Circuit

1. Dog Walk ~ From down dog walk out into a plank using hands.

2. Plank ~ Lower down to Chaturanga, remember in this move your arms should be close to your        ribs.

3. Chaturanga ~ Push-up x2 then walk your hands back to down dog.

***repeat first circuit 5 times***

Second Circuit

4. Chair Squats ~ Sit low and squeeze buttocks as you rise to the top. Arms in the air by ears. 

*8 times

5. Windmill Chair ~ Hold chair pose on last count and twist from your torso to the left and right, lifting opposite arm. 
*8 times

***repeat second circuit 2 times***

Third Circuit

6. Curtsy Sun ~ Crisscross legs and lung with arms in a circle over your head. Give me your lowest stage Curtsy! 

7. Standing Oblique Crunch ~ From lung lift the knee to elbow with a crunch to the oblique.
*8 times then repeat on opposite side.

8. Knee Lift ~ From standing feet together, lift knee to chest while balancing on opposite leg. Make sure to hold for at least one breathe to balance.

9. Warrior III ~ Push through your heel back into a beautiful Warrior III, then pull forward into knee lift.
*8 times and repeat on opposite side.

Self Love Stretch

10. Forward fold ~ Bend forward from the hips to touch hands toward the floor. Hang there for a while. 

You can rock back and forth slowly or give yourself a hug around your legs. 

This is and amazing stretch for your legs. 
Your going to need it! 

Always take time to stretch to avoid injuries. 

If you felt the FIRE I want to know! Comment below.

I hope it works like Magic.

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