Mama on the Go Work-Out
This work-out goes to all the busy mama's out there!
All last week my days were tied up at the Lacrosse field.
Needless to say I had to come up with a routine that would keep both mommy and baby happy.
Here is an on the go work-out routine that you can fully enjoy.
1. Go for a 15-30 walk pushing a jogging stroller around the park or your neighborhood.
Baby Bum Work
2. Hold little munchkin with one arm under bum and the other across chest. Make sure your use your arm muscles to secure him/her in.
3. Start with standing feet together. Squat down and hold for five breaths, then back to standing. (Repeat x8)
4. Step out to right and Pile Squat, lower as low as possible. Don't be afraid to "drop it like it's hot"! Step back to standing feet together and alternate sides.
(Repeat x8)
5. Rotate left and right with chair squat. Again as low as possible. You will really feel the burn in your quads and booty.
(Repeat x8)
6. Squat with shoulder press. Get low and reach high. My little girl LOVED this one!
Make sure you keep the weight in your heels and hold on tight.
(Repeat until exhausted!!)
If you don't have a kid, niece or nephew to borrow, you can use a pet or just grab 25 lb weight.
This was by far the funniest work-out for me!
I hope you find a way to let your child join in your work-out today. Lead by example Mama's!