Monday, June 29, 2015

Mama on the Go!

Mama on the Go Work-Out

This work-out goes to all the busy mama's out there!

All last week my days were tied up at the Lacrosse field.

Needless to say I had to come up with a routine that would keep both mommy and baby happy. 

Here is an on the go work-out routine that you can fully enjoy.


1. Go for a 15-30 walk pushing a jogging stroller around the park or your neighborhood. 

Baby Bum Work

2. Hold little munchkin with one arm under bum and the other across chest. Make sure your use your arm muscles to secure him/her in.

3. Start with standing feet together. Squat down and hold for five breaths, then back to standing.  (Repeat x8)

4. Step out to right and Pile Squat, lower as low as possible. Don't be afraid to "drop it like it's hot"! Step back to standing feet together and alternate sides. 
(Repeat x8)

5. Rotate left and right with chair squat. Again as low as possible. You will really feel the burn in your quads and booty. 
(Repeat x8)

6. Squat with shoulder press. Get low and reach high. My little girl LOVED this one!
Make sure you keep the weight in your heels and hold on tight. 
(Repeat until exhausted!!) 

If you don't have a kid, niece or nephew to borrow, you can use a pet or just grab 25 lb weight.

This was by far the funniest work-out for me! 
I hope you find a way to let your child join in your work-out today. Lead by example Mama's!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Rise and Shine

 She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future.

Proverbs 31:25

What does it mean to be clothed with strength and dignity?

I want to share with you what it means to me.

It means that I can live without fear, knowing that God has equipment me for what he has called me to do.

I can live my life feeling secure. Secure in my mind, body, and soul.

My self worth is not built upon the opinions of my peers but rather the standard of my heavenly father.

Most of all knowing that my beauty is more than skin deep.

Share this with a young women today. Weather it be your daughter, sister, friend, or even a stranger.

How awesome would it be to have the future generation of women built from this one verse.

Blessings Always, 


Friday, June 26, 2015

Like a Feather Friday



Welcome to Like a Feather Friday! 

It is said that a feather is weight-less. So each Friday I want to help you take the weight off. 


Quiet time ~  How do you spend the first five or ten minutes when you wake up? 
I slowly rise like the walking dead with my eyes either closed or half open and make my way to the Kureg.

As I become awesome with the help of coffee, I say a prayer and plan my day. 
Having quiet time seems almost impossible if you are mom. Whether you work, stay at home, or do both. 
I myself have five children, lets just say quiet time is must for me. 

Smile ~ All around the world a smile represents kindness and joy. 
It is proven to be the one facial expression that humans recognize no matter what part of the world you are in. 

When you smile your body is releasing endorphins that can in return relieve stress. 
I know their are times when it seems impossible to wear a smile. If that is you today, try forcing one! 

Smiles are contagious so lets spread them around. After all happy = healthy.

Work out~ Who doesn't feel light in water? 
Swimming is a great way to torch calories.
 You can burn up to 1000 calories in one hour. The faster you swim the more you burn. 
This of course means that you are swimming laps and not just floating around. 

If you don't have access to a pool, try performing Swimmers. 

Swimmers move is a Pilates exercise  that is performed laying on the floor on your stomach. 

You should feel this move in your back, thighs and in the glutes. This one move can sculpt your entire body.

I want to hear about how your "Like Feather Friday" is going, comment below and don't forget to share! 

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world,  but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What is your Goliath?

                                       It always seems impossible until it is done.

When I fist read that phrase, I began thinking of all the "impossible" things that people have accomplished in the World.

From the World leaders, to all of the service men and women who have went to battle for our freedom. 

I am sure that their task at hand seemed impossible, but it was completed. 

On a less serious note what about the brainstorming and experimenting it took to find a way to make peanut butter?

 I know I could not live without it!

I might add that I eat a spoonful of peanut butter every night before bed. 

This phrase also reminds me of the story of David and Goliath.  (1 Samuel 17:1)

It was David's faith in God that caused him to look at an impossible task and get the job done. 

My point is this. 

 If you have a  goal you are trying to accomplish or a Goliath you need to defeat. 

 I want to remind you that you are a divine individual.

Look at the task from God's perspective, no task is too large for him. 

Let me leave you with a few question to ponder.

What is your Goliath? What is your huge project or task? What challenges are you facing with transforming your life for the better?

Tip: Try changing your perspective!

Monday, June 22, 2015

It Works like Magic


Okay Tula Tribe here is a 10/10 workout that I put together just for you!

These ten moves are no joke when combined with an engaged core and even breaths. 

It is guaranteed to tone your entire body. 


First Circuit

1. Dog Walk ~ From down dog walk out into a plank using hands.

2. Plank ~ Lower down to Chaturanga, remember in this move your arms should be close to your        ribs.

3. Chaturanga ~ Push-up x2 then walk your hands back to down dog.

***repeat first circuit 5 times***

Second Circuit

4. Chair Squats ~ Sit low and squeeze buttocks as you rise to the top. Arms in the air by ears. 

*8 times

5. Windmill Chair ~ Hold chair pose on last count and twist from your torso to the left and right, lifting opposite arm. 
*8 times

***repeat second circuit 2 times***

Third Circuit

6. Curtsy Sun ~ Crisscross legs and lung with arms in a circle over your head. Give me your lowest stage Curtsy! 

7. Standing Oblique Crunch ~ From lung lift the knee to elbow with a crunch to the oblique.
*8 times then repeat on opposite side.

8. Knee Lift ~ From standing feet together, lift knee to chest while balancing on opposite leg. Make sure to hold for at least one breathe to balance.

9. Warrior III ~ Push through your heel back into a beautiful Warrior III, then pull forward into knee lift.
*8 times and repeat on opposite side.

Self Love Stretch

10. Forward fold ~ Bend forward from the hips to touch hands toward the floor. Hang there for a while. 

You can rock back and forth slowly or give yourself a hug around your legs. 

This is and amazing stretch for your legs. 
Your going to need it! 

Always take time to stretch to avoid injuries. 

If you felt the FIRE I want to know! Comment below.

I hope it works like Magic.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Rise and Shine

Sunday for me has always meant family day. 

Growing up in a small town in Georgia it was a given. We would dress in our Sunday best and head to Church. 

After Sunday school was over we would spend the rest of the day at my Grandma's house eating, laughing, and playing sports. 

My family is huge to say the least but everyone was there to say grace and share a meal.

Apple had not created the iPad, iPhone, or iPod which meant our Sunday time was spent building relationships with each other. 

There was so much joy and laughter in one room.

We were "unplugged" as I would call it now.  

Technology is amazing and wonderful don't get me wrong, but could you imagine starting your week off "unplugged" and filled with a refreshing peace?

The Lord has done great things for our family and our hearts are filled with Joy.
Psalm 126:3

Friday, June 19, 2015

Like a Feather Friday

                                           Welcome to Like a Feather Friday! 

It is said that a feather is weight-less. So each Friday I want to help you take the weight off. 

I will come up with a few ideas to add Tula to your life. 

Gratitude ~ It is the way to go. Always be thankful to God that you are alive and breathing. Take time to show an act of kindness to someone today. The reward of practicing gratitude is a never ending one. Gratitude has the ripple effect!

Reflection ~ As your getting ready to start your day, take a look in the mirror. Instead of thinking or speaking about your flaws, try saying at least three things out loud about your reflection that you love.  Something along the lines of.. " I love my dimples." or "This outfit makes my waist look great!". 

Workout ~ Fit in a workout today. Weather it be a walk or run get moving. If those two things are not your cup of tea or coffee for me. Try a plank! A plank hold at your max will get your metabolism up and work every muscle in your body. Keep holding it as long as you can and remember to breathe. 

I want to hear about how your "Like Feather Friday" is going, comment below and don't forget to share! 

Psalms 136:1 O give thanks to Lord for he is good, His mercy endures forever.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Tula Fitness Tribe

Hi,  I am Erin and I have created Tula Fitness Tribe to share inspiration for people of all ages.

Tula is Sanskrit for "a Balance". There are many stages of life whereby you need to seek Tula.

My Goal is to help others practice a wellness approach to fitness and live fully in the life God has intended them to live.

Think of Tula Tribe as a colorful peacock feather. In it's center is the Mind, the middle is the Spirit, and the outer layer is the flesh or Body.

I believe that true health and fitness begins with the mind and it's will to become what you need on the physical.

Once the goal is seen in the mind, it is then time for it to set within your spirit.
The spirit is what guides, encourages you or cheers you along.

Lastly the physical results will be met and seen by those around you.
This will bring you an overall Tula in life.

I welcome you to take a deeper journey into what true fitness balance is about.

Tula Tribe is here to help exhort you in Mind, Body, & Spirit.