Friday, July 17, 2015

Like A Feather Friday

Welcome to Like a Feather Friday! 

It is said that a feather is weight-less. 
So each Friday I want to help you 
take the weight off. 


Learn something new ~ Open your mind this morning and learn something new. Take the time to read a short article or a chapter in a book. Put your brain to work. Work your mind muscle today!

Forgive ~ Forgiveness sets us free. Let it go and become free today. This may mean forgiving another person or simply forgiving yourself. Forgiveness can bring healing into your life.

Lemon Water ~ I absolutely LOVE lemon water. Lemon waster is a great  natural way to stay hydrated. This miracle water cleanse out your digestive system. It is an all natural way to balance out those hormones and give your metabolism a boost. When Life gives you lemons, make lemon water! 

CHALLENGE: I want to invite you all to join in the Instagram Challenge I am hosting along with two other ladies. It begins on Monday July 20-29. I promise these ten moves will tone your bottom! You can click the Instagram icon on the left sidebar to join in the fun. I Hope you decide to join me in getting #SleekCheeks!


“Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends.” – Proverbs 17:9

I want to know how weight-less you feel today. Comment below!


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