Friday, July 31, 2015

Like A Feather Friday

Welcome to Like a Feather Friday! 

It is said that a feather is weight-less. So each Friday I want to help you take the weight off. 

Here are a few ways to add Tula to your life. 

Eat Breakfast ~ I know I sound like a mom with this one! I did not eat breakfast from the time I was in Middle school until I was thirty years old. This is such a common bad habit.
Eating breakfast plays a huge role in maintaining and losing weight. So many people will rush off to school or work without eating anything until lunch. 
When you do that your blood sugar drops, you are more likely to be impulsive when choosing snacks and you are left with zero energy. So make your self eat breakfast even if it is a banana with peanut butter. 

Playful ~ In today's world it is hard to imagine yourself as a child. Children are so great at turning the most boring things into playtime. I know there are times you have to "adult", but see life is more enjoyable when you have a playful spirit. Not everything is meant to be serious people! I encourage you to be playful today. Live a little and laugh a lot!

Workout ~ Say hello to Surfer get Ups. This one move is sure to bring up that heart rate for some cardio while building muscle. 
1. Start by laying on the floor belly down. 
2. Pike yourself up to a stagger leg low lung.
3. Rise from lung to standing and pop back down to the ground. Switch sides and repeat!

"We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing." ~ George Bernard Shaw


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