Thursday, July 23, 2015

Like A Feather Friday

Welcome to Like a Feather Friday! 

It is said that a feather is weight-less. So each Friday I want to help you take the weight off. 

Here are a few ways to add Tula to your life. 

Be Renewed ~ To be renewed means to revive, replenish, restore, or re-establish. 
When was the last time you took a moment or a day to revive yourself? 
For me I feel revived or replenish after practicing Yoga.

Connecting to my body through breaths is such a refreshing feeling.

I want you to think about what renews you and do that today. 

Listen ~ If your like me and always in a hurry to speak, remember that the other person wants to be heard and understood as well. Listening is so powerful. It is the best way to build relationships and learn about others. Try truly listening to your husband, friends, neighbors, or even strangers today. I am going to be working on this one with you!

Workout ~ Boost your metabolism with some jumping jacks today. I sometimes jump right out of bed and do one hundred jumping jacks before anything else. I know that everyone knows how to perform them and there is a reason why they are so popular. Jacks are a quick way to elevate your heart rate, develop deep control breaths, and carrying oxygen through-out your body! Now get busy.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's good and perfect will.  Romans 12:2


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