It is Magic Monday as I like to call it and I am brining you a short medicine ball workout that will score you slimmer hips!
You will be working all muscles groups today so make sure to do a quick warm up.
If you don't have a medicine ball you can use a basketball, soccer ball or perform the movements without a ball.
Let's bring out the athlete in you today!
1. Reverse lung with knee tap ~ Start in a reverse lung position and hold the medicine ball firmly over your head. (If you need to modify hold the ball at chest.) Lower down until the back knee taps the ground and then step your leg up to standing. (Perform 12 reps on each side) I like keeping the ball up the entire time because it challenges my balance and gives me a great shoulder burn as well!
2. 360 ball squats ~ Take a squat and hold the ball at your chest. Your going to hold the squat the entire time. While squatting rotate your ball from your center to the left and then right side of you twisting from your waist.
Next JUMP to the left and land in a squat repeat the ball twist. Perform the movement until you make a complete 360.
Remember to keep your core engaged the entire time. You want to protect your back. This is a plyometrics move so if you need to modify you could always take out the jump and step to turn. (Repeat 6 full circles)
3. Moving Warrior III ~ Balancing on one leg bring opposite knee up towards your chest, while holding the medicine ball at chest.
Kick leg out straight and hold ball straight as well. Keep your balance and kick leg back to warrior III pose still holding ball in front of you. Lower down to tap the ball on the ground and come back to standing knee tuck. (Perform 15 reps on each side)
4. V-ups ~ A V-up is a killer core workout, add the medicine ball and it's a killer full body workout! Lay flat on your back and bring arms over head. (To modify keep ball at chest.)
Zip in your stomach and lift arms and legs up to meet in a "V" position.
Lower back down flat on your back. (Repeat this 20 times)
If you want you can modify with single leg V-ups as shown in the photo above.
Bonus Move: Dog roll outs
First move of the 10 day challenge I am hosting on Instagram #SleekCheeks.
It is never too late to join in the fun!
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