Monday, July 13, 2015

Use it or Lose it!

                            (I used 8 lbs dumb bells, please use what you are comfortable with.)

Here is a work-out that can help you build lean muscle. 

It is important that you incorporate weight training in your workout routine at least once a week.

 Did you know that you gain muscle from birth until the age of Thirty?  
Once you are in your Thirties you began to lose that muscle.

 This is a process is called sarcopenia

If you do not work-out at all you are losing 3% to 5% more than those who are.

I linked the article with information on Sarcopenia above. 

It is okay if you do not have a set of free weights. I have used resistance bands along with my children as substitutes. 

  Go grab some weights and let's do this set three times back to back! 
Ready set GO!!!

1. Squatting Lawn Mower ~ Get into a squat position. Make sure your back is flat. Start with the weights on or near the ground. Lift one dumbbell up in a bicep curl, then twist and lift the weight up into a shoulder press. You will want to use SLOW controlled movements. (10 reps on each side)

2. Good Morning & Rise ~ Stand with feet hip width apart and keep a slight bend in your knees. Rise to standing squeezing that booty. Now slowly raise your arms straight in front of you. Again, make sure to move slowly. (15 reps)

3. Handstand Tuck Jumps ~ Find a wall! 
Perform as many as possible. Start in Down Dog position and make sure your core is pulled in tightly. Rock back kneeling close to the ground and jump forward with both legs at the same time. You should land back down pretty softly. Repeat as many as you want. These bad boys really use the entire body and get your heartbeat up!

Take the time to care for your body. It belongs to you and you are responsible for taking care of it. Use it or Lose it!

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