We like to think of our family as a health conscious one. We make our food choices based off of what we know is healthy and also what is unhealthy.
When we grocery shop, we try to steer clear of the middle aisles of the store. Filling our shopping cart with fresh produce, meat, grains and dairy products.
We will make the occasional dive in the middle aisles for pickles, baking items and of course, coffee!
Even as "health aware" as our family is, I am still a mother to 4 kids. Kids that are surrounded by sugary temptations outside of our home.
My husband and I educate our children on healthy food choices but also remember that they are just kids. We never tell them to be that kid that refuses the sliver of birthday cake, the milkshake at a sleepover or the **gasp** soda at a backyard barbecue!
Packing school lunches used to mean stuffing a juice box in next to a PB&J, a bag of oreos and a pack of fruit snacks before our "food awakening". Now, it's turkey slices, celery & peanut butter, a boiled egg and a bottle of water...and sometimes I'll slip in a homemade goodie!
I do love to treat my children with the occasional cookie or brownie, but I insist on making them myself! I try to use sugar or butter substitutes, such as bananas, applesauce or avocado but sometimes that's not always available. What makes me feel good is knowing that I'm in control of the ingredients!
And better yet, how awesome do fresh baked cookies make your house smell?!
Knowing that we give them our very best in our own home is the foundation we hope they will cling to when faced with unhealthy temptations outside of our humble abode.
So, try not to panic when you hear the word "cupcake" at your child's holiday party and in the same token, don't beat yourself up when treat your little tribe to a root beer float after dinner.
Teaching your children between having sweets as a
treat and not as a staple in their diet will be a huge parenting victory!
Eat well, be well!
I'm an imperfect parent to 4 beautiful children, a creative enthusiast, and a healthy & happy living motivator to all that will hear me! I'm a native of beautiful Augusta, Ga and a partner in an amazing creative enhancement party, Arty Party of Augusta.
#mylifeisthislife #livewell